Crew Stories

Meet Charlotte

“My name is Charlotte and I am 23 years old and I work for Beresford street kitchen I’ve been confined to a wheelchair since being born. Since I’ve been working for Beresford Street Kitchen it has opened a new life for me. It has made me independent I am now going to and from work on the bus by myself and I’m meeting people from all parts of the world. I love my job very much and it’s a pleasure working for Beresford Street Kitchen I hope to be able to be employed as a full time trainee one day.”

Meet Sam

“I was nervous about going to work at BSK but now I am very happy there. I like meeting new people, and working with the staff. I have learnt new things like making coffee, and my maths is better as I work on the till and give people their change. I like doing the jobs on the job list. It is good fun and I like the extra volunteering like selling raffle tickets and helping at the netball. I like earning some money as it means I can go out with my friends and buy things. I love it at BSK!”

Meet Christy

“I’m Christy and I started working at BSK in October 2017 in the Catering Workshop. In the Kitchen I have learnt to cook lots of things, and tried lots of different processes in the Print room. I have been able to try all the different areas to see which I like best and most able to cope with. Since working at BSK I have become more independent, catching the bus home, I didn’t even have a bus pass before!”